Sunday, March 19, 2017

Capt. Armstrong

A Marry Poppins Experience

While spending a wonderful weekend at Florence, I set up on the dock to paint this wonderful fishing boat.  While painting, the wind came up. All of a sudden my (Bestbrella) umbrella slowly lifted out of it's holder and drifted over the dock rail, sailed out about 5 feet and dropped into the water upside down. There it floated, stem side up.  It was like Marry Poppins had taken
hold of it and was flying away.  I was along side the dock, about 15 feet above the water and no way down to retrieve the umbrella. Fortunately a kind gentleman came over and said he had a 30 foot tow line with a clip on the end and maybe we could fish it out.  After 3-4 casts I finally caught  it and managed to retrieve it.
Now I have a lanyard attached to the system so "Lesson Learned".
WMO's on panel
5" x 7"


  1. what an interesting story attached to the picture :)

    1. Thanks Queen Bee. Sorry it took so long. Fire wiped us out. Just now getting back to life again
